
For questions about skills, drills, and anything else a Coach might be able to answer.
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Coach Ted
Site Admin

Posts: 14
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:11 am


Post by Coach Ted »

This forum is for asking questions that you'd want a coach to answer. We have a separate area for discussing video/article content and another for all the random happenings around IL hockey. Posts may be moved as necessary.

New users need to have their first post approved by a moderator, but can post at-will after that (subject to moderation). Do not assume you are anonymous on this forum.

Moderation rules (not a complete list):
1. Please do not use people's full names, initials should be fine.
2. Do not talk about underaged players, especially in any disparaging way.
3. Do not spread lies.
4. Be excellent to each other.
5. More rules will be added as necessary.
6. My decisions may be arbitrary, but they are the law of this land.
Coach Ted, founder of HockeyIL